Question What is Kommercify.com?

Kommercify.com is a search engine containing a database of businesses supporting the Electronic, Semiconductor, Aerospace and Automotive industries in the Philippines.

Question How does Kommercify.com work?
AnswerKommercify.com uses geographic web indexing technologies to provide relevant search results for local businesses, products and services.
Question What kind of information can I get?
AnswerUse Kommercify.com to look up names, phone numbers and addresses of businesses in your area or beyond. Our listings include useful information such as store hours, reviews and services offered, to name a few.
Question Where does this information come from?
AnswerKommercify.com sources its information from national business-to-business list compilers and information supplied by our affiliated partners and suppliers.
Question How do I use Kommercify.com?
AnswerType the name or the type of business or service by clicking on the FILTER button box in the Directory page. You can enter a city, state, landmark, zip code, area code or airport code as the geographic location. Kommercify.com has the ability to determine your current location, and provide business listings in your local area even if you do not input a specific location in the “AREA” box.

You can also search using Category or Ratings.