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Company Information

Sumitronics Phils., Inc. is an EMS (Electronics
Manufacturing Service) company engaged in the
distribution of electronics components. Sumitronics
utilizes internal, external and joint venture
manufacturing facilities for production of PCB
Assemblies. Sumitronics partners with design
engineering, Logistics, and after market services when
required by customers.
Specific Products:
PCBA for printers, PCBA for medicine counting
machines, turbo sensor for automotive application, fan
motor, Bluetooth communication device etc.

Major Product Lines

Outsourcing needs of customers, such as board design
(artwork), process design, DFM (Design For
Manufacturing), VE/VA proposal, prototyping, parts
procurement, IPO (International Procurement Office),
board mounting, molded product manufacturing,
painting, printing, module assembly, finished product
assembly, etc. We will undertake a wide variety of
services according to outsourcing needs. In addition,
we can respond to customer requests such as VMI
(Vendor’s Management Inventory) and JIT (Just In
Time) delivery. In the fields of consumer goods,
industrial equipment, in vehicle equipment, medical
equipment, etc. We respond to diverse outsourcing
needs of our customers.

Contact Information
Calamba, Calabarzon 4027, Philippines

Author Gen Javid