Unified Microsystems was formed in 1990 as an electronic and software consulting company. During that time I built a voice keyer for radio contesting. It was initially intended just for my own use, but several local contesters wanted their own units. This evolved into the Contest Card which was featured in the September 1993 QST and later included in the 1995-1997 ARRL Handbooks. Just before publication in QST, the ARRL asked if I could sell kits since they thought articles that offered kits were favored by readers. Unified Microsystems’ entry into the Amateur Radio market started as a home project that got out of control!
In 1994 I went back into the corporate world working for an electronics contract manufacturing company. For the next 11 years I managed the design department were we worked with our customers to design and produce electronic systems for their companies. I was involved in developing over 100 products including industrial controls, automotive products, medical electronics, and a few consumer products. I now head up the electronic development and production departments for a company in the health care industry.
Since 1994 Unified Microsystems has been my moon-light company dedicated to supplying equipment for Amateur Radio and electronic professionals and experimenters. I apply the same care and attention to quality and good engineering design here that I do in my day job. Satisfaction is guaranteed. If you are not happy with your Unified Microsystems product return it for a full refund.
Because I can’t be here during the day I depend on the Internet and email to support customers and answer questions. Email is the best way to contact me. Please include a descriptive subject line, such as the product name, to be sure your email is not lost in the dozens of spam messages that I get every day.
Besides being able to order by mail or directly over the Internet, Unified Microsystems has dealers that its stock products. They may be able to offer more flexibility in quick shipping and shipping methods than I am able to do directly. Please note that not all products are available through the dealers.
My main interests in radio include project home brewing, contesting, DXing, and weak signal VHF work. Most of the products available here started out as a project to solve a specific need for my own station.
I always have a couple of new products in the pipeline and try to introduce a new one every year or so. If you have an idea for a product you would to see, please contact me. If it catches my interest and falls into my available time, development equipment, and expertise criteria, I just might do it!
Thanks again for stopping by the Unified Microsystems web site.