CENTRON ENERGY SAVINGS TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION is a professional manufacturer of energy-efficient lighting systems under the brand GES (Green Energy Savings). Its business philosophy is an advocacy that aims to provide the Filipino consumer with economical energy-efficient lighting products and systems for use in homes and industry.
It aims at marketing and popularizing products that are the result of meticulous research and innovative product design development. With strict application of domestic and global quality manufacturing standards, consumers are assured of the best value for their money. Centron works with the China Academy of Science to apply the latest and the best technologies in manufacturing their products.
Centron strives to achieve the global of replacing compact fluorescent lamps and incandescent bulb, commonly used in Filipino homes, with cost-efficient and environment friendly products. This is in line with global initiatives on energy efficiency, and the reduction of emissions of carbon and greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. The advanced and patented 4th Generation S-COB technology GES LED lamps and tubes that are designed for long life and efficient operation are environment-friendly, and offer substantial savings in power consumption for customer.
The company’s product line consist of not only the 4th Generation LED lines, but also solar lighting and renewable energy systems. Centron plans to set up its own manufacturing plan in the Philippines and open a waste disposal facility for the proper handling of fluorescent and CFL residue.
All these embody its contribution to the mitigation of global warming and related environmental issues through the production and manufacture of energy-efficient lighting and related products. Centron, through the GES brand, aims to establish itself as a provider of world-class lighting systems that can compete with the leading global brands.