The decade of 1990 is one great promise and of great uncertainty…big opportunities lies before us. PHILIPPINE ENVIRONMENTAL AND TECHNOLOGICAL SYSTEMS AND SERVICES INC. (PETSS Inc.) was born in a perfect situation where marketing opportunity in the country becomes an attractive arena for the company to enjoy a competitive advantage.
PETSS Inc. was conceived with the idea to form a company that would be a partner of the industry in a well-mannered business relationship. The key is to achieve the goal of determining the needs and the wants of the market and deliver the desired satisfaction more effectively and efficiently than the competitors. Our aim goes beyond satisfying the customers but also to delight them with regards to the effectiveness, cost and quality of our products and services. Building the trust and confidence will be the key to a more mutual and fruitful understanding between PETSS, our customers and suppliers.
Ultratech Products
Haws Emergency Equipment
Portable Eyewash
Combination Eyewash
Wall Mounted Eyewash
Combination on Unit (Parts)
Demech Coatings
Demech Metal Repair Products and Accessories
Demech Wear and Abrasion Resistant Compounds
Spilfyter Traffic Roll
Spilfyter Absorbent Socks
Spilfyter Sorbent Roll
Spilfyter Sorbent Pillows
Spilfyter Absorbent Pads
Personal Protective Equipment