HYPERION SOLUTIONS ASIA PTE. LTD. is a Singapore PRIVATE COMPANY LIMITED BY SHARES. The company was incorporated on 18 Feb 1995, which is 29.1 years ago. The address of the Business’s registered office is SUNTEC TOWER FOUR, 6 TEMASEK BOULEVARD, #18-01, Postal 038986. The Business current operating status is Dissolved – Members’ Voluntary Winding Up. The Business’s principal activity is INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY CONSULTANCY (EXCEPT CYBERSECURITY). The company’s paid-up capital is SGD 100,000. It was named as IMRS ASIA PTE. LTD.. And it is also known as HYPERION SOFTWARE ASIA PTE. LTD.. The company UEN is 199501175R, registered with ACRA on 2008-09-10.
Software Development