Fastech Synergy Philippines, Inc. started in 1983. It
eventually became a listed company in Singapore
Stock Exchange on 1999. Today, Fastech is a non-
listed public technology company involved in
Electronics Manufacturing Technology, Metals
Manufacturing Technology, and Information
Technology. It is recognized for its leadng-edge
knowhow in niche Power IC semiconductor
components and RF/Microwave modules. For more
than 35 years, the company has invested in providing
highly proficient technical labor and developing
capabilities for complex engineered products.
Specific Products: Power Management Transistors/
Jfets, Optical Linear Driver, RF Amplifiers/Oscillators,
Mixers/ Oscillators Mfg/Assembled, Voltage Control
Oscillators, Sun Sensors Mfg/Assembled, Mosfets,
IGBTS Power Electronics
Contract Manufacturing /CEM
Power Discrete and Modules Assembly & Test
Integrated hybrid assemblies and HIgh Rel products
for Telecommunication ,Telecom Infrastructure
,Aerospace ,Fiber Optics ,5G ,Medical Devices,Class K
products and IOT products.
Package Engineering & Products test development for
IDM’s SiC ,and GaN or wide band gap products . SiC
foundry packaging and test for product /process
characterization .
Reliability and FA test services
EMS/ODM new product box build assembly from
concept ,prototype to production .
IC Design Back office Analog and Mixed Signal .