Know everything on anything. TVSI Private Detective Services in the Philippines erases your doubts and fears by furnishing you with factual information gathered with our systematic approach. All work of course is done discreetly so that your search for the truth remains a secret.
The Lie Detector Test is used in specific case investigation, periodic clearance and pre-employment. It detects the guilty and exonerates the innocent among suspects in any irregularity and form unjust accusation unwarranted suspicion and malicious gossip. The Lie Detector Philippines test is reliable scientific tool. It is admissible as circumstantial evidence by the U.S. Supreme Court.
Catch the infidel spouse or an employee who is moonlighting or cheating the company. Check out the facts on disability claims for Workmen’s Compensation. They are credible expert witness in court.
Undercover private detective services in the Philippines can be your eyes and ears to monitor what is going on in your business while you are out.
Your employees are prone to commit dishonesty due to gambling, drugs/alcohol, extra marital relations, living beyond means and economic needs.
Truth Verifier Systems, Inc’s highly competent and experienced private detectives in the Philippines make sure that the summons is served to the right person. We do process serving although serving time may vary nationwide.
Track down lost friend, relative, spouse or any other person who has disappeared or who has “skipped out”.
To help you determine ownership of property , property location, type of property for many law offices, courts, and insurance agencies. We can help you make a solid case when you are considering collection and/or legal action.
Truth Verifier Systems is widely regarded in the Philippines as an authority on verification of documents, which can take a very wide range of forms. Contact us for a deeper level of due diligence before you enter into a long term situation, or to verify insurance and other claims.
We deliver quality reports about unveiling fraud within the workplace via discreet investigation. Using a secret investigative approach and covert records verification techniques, unmonitored company losses brought by dishonesty and deceitfulness will be uncovered by TVSI’s expert and proficient investigators. This service also involve security audit to determine any intention to deceive the company as well as to impede any plans to defraud the company.
One of it is by knowing the one who falsify documents and signatures by the highly skilled and educated investigators. With the use of high technology gadgets together with the expert fingerprint examiners, unauthorized signature will be determined through its characteristics and strokes. We handle a wide range of document examinations, including, but not limited to, suspect signatures, disputed handwriting, and the examination of altered or forged documents. We also assist clients with the investigation and litigation of the various frauds and forgeries involving questioned or suspicious documents.
You know that something is missing – document or money – but you do not want to accuse anyone in your company, TVSI will help you find that out with the use of the high technology instruments by inspecting the crime scene for the suspect’s fingerprints. By keenly examining the fingerprints lifted from the crime scene and comparing them with the standard fingerprints, the culprits will have no way to deny his presence or involvement in the incident because of his fingerprints in the area.
A whistle-blower hotline is probably the best, the easiest and least expensive means available to improve corporate governance. Losses, wastes, frauds, and the abuses of authority in a company can all be combated and prevented by having an independent reporting mechanism that uses employees to report wrongdoings without being identified to avoid retaliation.
The most valuable company asset is the “Right People”. It is acceptable to trust an employee but as they say, “trust but verify”. Verify an applicant’s resume, uncover any criminal history, and detect the worse in him. This approach will help the management test the truthfulness and know the problems that might interfere with the job.