Company Information

We are a leading company in Electronic Measurement Industry, which has top share in sales amount in Japan. We have recorded our growth and achieved outstanding results with cooperation and mutual reliance through years with Users and Suppliers. We invest in future with your knowledge, information, creativity and ingenuity, which are supported by our continuous endeavors to comprehend trends and dynamics in cutting-edge technologies. Our strength is our steadiness and solidity among this business through strategic foresight we have made.

Major Product Lines

Electronic measuring instruments
Voltage, current, power measuring instruments
Spectrum analyzers
Network analyzers
Options for spectrum analyzers and network analyzers
Logic analyzers ・ FFT analyzers
Protocol analyzers
Options for logic analyzers and protocol analyzers
Microprocessor development related equipments
Lock-in amplifiers
Measuring instruments and peripheral devices for audio ・ video equipments
Oscillators ・ signal generators
Frequency ・ time measuring instruments
Power supplies / Electronic load devices
Electrical safety testers / measuring instruments
Recording meters ・ Data loggers ・ Recorders
Circuit ・ Element ・ Parts evaluation measuring instruments
EMC・EMI Related
Optical related measuring instruments
Sound ・ Vibration related
Thermometers ・ Hygrometers
Thermographies ・ Radiation thermometers
Tacometers ・ Stroboscopes
Displacement meters
Pressure meters
Strain meters
Film thickness measuring devices
Dosimeters (γ-ray, X-ray, α-ray, β-ray, etc.)
Color ・ Brightness ・ Illuminance related measuring instruments
PC base mesuring board related
Training devices for education
Other electronic measuring instruments
science instruments/Analysis equipments
Moisture measuring equipments
Density ・ specific gravity measuring equipments
Viscosity ・ Viscoelastic measuring equipments
Specific surface areas ・ Pore distribution measuring equipments
Particle diameter ・ Particle size distribution measuring equipments
Hardness meters
Surface tension meters ・ Contact angle meters
Dryers ・ Electric furnaces
Stirring ・ Defoarming ・ Mills
Distillation ・ Refining equipment
Preprocessing equipments for observation and analysis
Laboratory equipments
apparatus ・ Accessories and Consumables
Ultraviolet-visible near infrared spectrophotometers
Spectro fluorophotometers
Fourier transform infrared spectrophotometers
Raman spectrophotometers
ICP emission analyzing devices and atomic absorption spectrophotometers
Emission analyzing devices
X-rayanalyzing devices
Fluorescence X-rays analyzers
Gas ・ Liquid chromatographs
Mass spectrographs
Thermal analysis equipments
Odor analyzers
Water quality measuring devices
Gas analyzers
Other science instruments/Analysis equipments
Environment / Evaluation / Testing devices
Temperature & Humidity chambers
Material testing devices
Vibration and shock testing devices
Drop testing devices
Combined testing devices
Durability testing devices
Tensile ・ compression testing machines
Light fastness testers
Corrosion testing devices
Charge and discharge testing devices
Cleanrooms ・ Booths
EMC / EMI Radio Wave Anechoic Chambers
Shield Rooms
Anechoic Chambers
Other Environment ・ Evaluation ・ Testing devices
Information Equipment・Software
PCs and related products
Network related products
External Storage Device
Extension Board
CAD/CAM Systems
Structural Analysis Software
Heat Conduction Analysis Software
Thermal-Hydraulic Analysis Software
Electromagnetic Fields Analysis Software
Image Process / Analysis Software
Systems / Numerical Analysis Software
Software Development Tools
PCB Development Tools
Automated Measuring Tools
Manufacturing / Processing / Inspection equipments
Industrial robots
Mounting machine related
Jointing devices
Machine tools
Manufacturing equipments
Painting equipments
Industrial computer related
Manufacturing ・ Processing ・ Inspection equipments
3D printers・3D scanners
Control related products
Optical・Imaging・Precision Devices

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