All Waste
Services, Inc. (AWS) is a DENR accredited Treatment,
Storage and Disposal (TSD) facility and Hazardous
Waste Transporter
AWS TSD Facility occupying 4.4
hectares for its storage and major treatment
components such as Chemical Immobilization,
Chemical Decomposition, Neutralization, Metal
Precipitation, Chemical Oxidation, Neutralization,
Stabilization, Solidification, Dewatering/Filtration,
Recovery/Recycling, Decontamination, Aerobic
Windrow Composting, Reclamation, Liquid
Hydrocarbon/Oil Recovery for Fuel in Industrial
Burners/Boilers for Hazardous and Non-Hazardous
wastes. AWS is also a DENR-accredited Transporter
with its own fleet of trucks, highly-equipped with GPS
tracking device for monitored and safe transport of
Hazardous Wastes with 24/7 logistics assistance.