Warehousing and Material Distribution
The A2Z team has been providing complete warehousing, inventory control, and material distribution expertise to NAVSUP FLC-N for over 25 years in support of residual material programs.
A2Z personnel performs offloads, backloads, and inventories in support of REMOVES, TATs, Repair Part Analysis, and decommissioning efforts. A2Z personnel assist the ship in playing the requisite ASIs, conduct pre and post inventories, and offload material for redistribution action.
A2Z provides program management, planning, business operations/improvement and technical support services for COMNAVSEASYSCOM’s Navy-wide Acquisition and Configuration Management programs. These services support Life-Cycle Logistics Management, Configuration Management, Configuration Status Accounting, Shipboard Logistics Program Management, and Business Improvement for new acquisition programs, New Construction, Fleet Modernization Program and Foreign Ship Transfer Programs. Specifically, A2Z’s efforts focus on Configuration Management, Ship Configuration Logistics Support Information System, Configuration Data Manager – Open Architecture Training, Integrated Logistics Support, Integrated Logistics Overhauls, New Construction Logistics Readiness Assessments, Shipboard Configuration Audits/Validations and Configuration Data Manager Assessment/Certification consistent with the requirements of RFP N00174-17-R-3023 Performance Work Statement Para. 3.3 Task 2 specifically:
- A2Z personnel developed, implemented, and continue to manage and execute a “Statistically Valid” Shipboard Configuration Audit Process/Program for SEA-06L. They have successfully completed over 458 Configuration Audits/Validations since the inception of the SCLSIS Audit Program in 2003. Executing the SCLSIS Configuration Audit Program requires coordination with Ship Program Managers, CDMs, Type Commanders and ship’s force personnel for scheduling and direct interface with Configuration Data Managers and their On-Site Logistics Representatives during the conduct of the audit and with reporting the results.
- During SCLSIS Audit/Validation visits to the ships, A2Z provides validation training and problem resolution assistance to assist ship’s force in instituting a viable self-validation program.
- A2Z provides configuration readiness metrics support by developing and maintaining CDM transaction metrics, trend analysis of SCLSIS audit results, and routine review of audit/validation techniques to identify and anticipate effects on ship’s readiness. A2Z provides Configuration Data Manager (CDM) Certification/Assessment program management support to SEA-06L1. A2Z personnel developed and implemented the CDM Certification/Assessment criteria/process and have completed over 65 CDM Assessments/Certifications since 2003.
- The successful execution of this support contract requires constant liaison and coordination of effort with all Systems Commands, Program Executive Offices, Ship Program Managers, Logistic Support Activities, Life–Cycle Engineering Support Activities, In-Service Engineering Agents, Software Support Activities, Naval Supervising Activities, Shipyards, Intermediate Maintenance Activities, Configuration Data Managers, CDM On-Site Logistics Representatives, Type Commanders, CDMD-OA Users, and, most importantly, shipboard sailors.
- A2Z actively participates as contributing members in several SEA-06L advisory groups/forums including, but not limited to: the CM Steering Group; ILS Working Group, CM Return on Investment (ROI) IPT; CDM/ISEA Working Group; CM Lean Events; CDMD-OA Code Review IPT and CCB; Acquisition Program Working Groups and Logistics Readiness Reviews Active participation includes providing recommendations for process improvements and cost reductions, bringing critical issues to the forefront for working group resolution, identifying conflicts in data mapping and recommended resolutions, accepting and completing action items in specific areas of expertise, drafting issue/white papers associated with working group missions and providing subject matter expertise to government counterparts in order to achieve working group end state objectives .
- A2Z provides subject matter experts who support the SEA-06L mission. Tasking includes the updating and maintenance of the NAVSEA SCLSIS Technical Specification, CDM Certification/Assessment, CDMD-OA Configuration Control Board (CCB) management, CDMD-OA Training, CDMD-OA.Net testing, New Construction logistics reviews. Their certified CDMD-OA Instructor has taught over 375 students on the use of CDMD-OA and conducted several Defense Connect Online (DCO) sessions to provide training to numerous users on the use and operation of the CDMD-OA.NET application. Additionally, providing assistance in the development of CDMD-OA.NET, including the development of a test protocol and training documentation.
- A2Z personnel are key members of the Configuration Management Steering Group comprised of Subject Matter Experts chartered to standardize configuration management processes. We facilitated, developed agenda, provided meeting minutes, and tracked action items for 6 meetings since the Group was established in 2009.
- A2Z SMEs Participate in Integrated Logistics Support (ILS) meetings focused on updating Navy Modernization guidance and integrating the Navy’s authoritative Configuration Database with the Maintenance Figure of Merit (MFOM) Program.
- In managing updates to the SCLSIS Technical Specification A2Z interfaces with all Configuration Status Accounting stakeholders; receipt, compilation, adjudication of comments/recommended changes, and obtaining concurrence.
Shipboard Logistics Program Management
Navy-wide Acquisition and Configuration Management programs
Warehousing and material distribution