Asia Wood International Corporation
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Company Information

Company Profile

Asia Wood International Corporation was established sometime in May 1997. Its objective is to engage in the manufacture of wooden gates, doors, windows, and panels for export.

Registered under the Securities and Exchange Commission (ASO95-010383), the Bureau of Internal Revenue (TIN 004-816-311) and the Philippine Economic Zone Authority (PEZA registration # 97-043), Asia Wood International Corporation now boasts of its more than 150 workers starting out from a meager 20 employees and covering more than 8,000 m2 of floor space.

With an annual sales of more than 3M US$, the company enjoys a continuous success in the manufacture of its products for export under the combined efforts of Mr. Gilbert Drouot (Totem Menuiserie) and Bertrand Collin. The company also produces more or less 12 40HC sized containers for export every month.

At present, Asia Wood International Corporation is planning to acquire another area just adjacent to the factory to house its expanding operation which covers at least 4,000 m2 of floor space.

Likewise, another company in Malaysia is now fully operational to augment the increasing demands for the manufacture of Asia Wood�s products.

Major Product Lines

manufacture of wooden gates, doors, windows, and panels

Contact Information
1427 Malaria Road, Caloocan, Metro Manila, Philippines