Our Dream: For Asia to use our Digital Platforms and Solutions to allow them to compete with their 1st World counterparts.
Our Technologies are value engineered to lower adoption costs but meet the essential needs of our clients.
Our Mission: To create sustainable Digital Innovations to improve the environment by conservation and by ensuring the health, safety and security of the people.
We want our clients to save costs and focus on their core competencies.
Cinergi has over 20 years of experience in the field of electronics, project design, semiconductors and engineering.
Edge Computing, IoT, Energy Management, Infrastructure as a Service, LORA, Analytics and Artificial Intelligence all these are happening so fast.
Our Team consists of passionate individuals collaborating on many aspects and practical applications of there emerging technologies to create ideas that work.
Video Analytics
Thermal Imaging
Boom Barrier
Public Address
Access Control
Fire Detection System
Smart ECS
Automated Response and Monitoring System
Internet of Energy Monitoring System
Edge Computing
Thermal Camera
Perimeter Security